3 Top Strategies for Developing an Efficient Accommodations Approvals Process

With the volume of exam accommodations at an all-time high, many testing and assessment organizations are struggling to put a workable and efficient accommodations review/approval system in place that handles the volume without sacrificing thorough and fair reviews of requests.

At uExamS, we work with testing organizations to assess their current accommodations operations; provide expert advice and support; and in some cases, manage the process for them. With that in-depth experience, we’ve seen three key areas on which testing organizations can focus to improve efficiency, reduce errors & mitigate risk, and create a better experience for exam candidates who require accommodation. Here’s our approach:

Process Assessment & Workflow Development

Review the accommodations applications from the previous year or exam cycle. Develop clear and concise categories to help you more quickly identify types of accommodations, types of candidates (retakes, new candidates, etc.), types of requests (previously approved accommodations, for example), and types of issues (legal red flags, requests to change exam content, etc.). Once you’ve done that, create clear and specific workflows for those request types.

This initial, quick assessment of the accommodation request will allow you to put the request on a specific path that can address it more quickly and efficiently. This approach allows you to quickly move the “Clear Approvals” through the system and identify more complicated requests or any red flags that can be managed by a specifically trained person or team.

Staff Training

One of the key areas for improvement we see is staff that is only trained on the basics of accommodations assessment and approvals. It’s critical that accommodations teams know the law and understand the nuances of maintaining a fair and balanced testing program that ensures score validity as well as addresses the needs of all of the exam program’s stakeholdersĀ  (candidates, employers, academic institutions, government regulators, etc.).

A comprehensively trained staff will have the confidence to require additional documentation or even deny requested accommodations if not appropriate, insufficiently supported, or they create an unfair advantage on the exam.

Communications Review

Another area where small changes can create big returns on efficiency and candidate satisfaction is communication. Make sure the process for applying for accommodations is clear and concise for candidates. Be explicit about the documentation requirements, timeline, and how the process works. Candidates often have experience with accommodations in the didactic setting; but they’re unaware of how accommodations can be different on high-stakes assessments. Appropriately setting expectations up front, having a clearly understandable accommodations approval process, and communicating with candidates quickly and clearly when needed will reduce back-and-forth with candidates, save time, and ultimately make your accommodations process more cost-efficient.

Even with increasing volumes of requests, you can make small changes today to your accommodations approvals process and see big returns on your efforts.